Leading Asia & Oceania's Healthy Juice Culture
Hurom Juice Cafes
An introduction to the numerous Hurom Juice Cafes all over Asia and Australia, providing fresh-squeezed
Hurom juice.Hurom Juice Cafes bring customers a taste of delicious and nutritious Hurom juice, proving how
amazing our juicers, and juices, are.
Australia - Warringah Australia - Chatswood
Singapore - Tampline Shopping Mall Thailand - Top Mart Malaysia - Melaka Vietnam - Hanoi Flagship
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (2) Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (3) Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (4) Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (5)
Malaysia's very first Hurom Juice Cafe was opened in AEON Mall, Melaka. Here, you can find our very own
Hurom juice recipefavorites, such as Berry Young and The Basic. You can also find some recipes exclusively
made for the local taste in Malaysia, like Gentle Red, made with pomegranate, pear, and lemon,
and Green Machine, made with sweet potato leaves, green apple, andlemon. (Trust us, they're delicious.)
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (6) Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh (7) Vietnam - Da Nang (8)
Hurom Juice Cafes are doing quite well in Vietnam, with 7 locations already open, and the 8th slated to open
in Da Nang, a wellknowntourist city, in October 2017.